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Christian Education

Christian Education

Zion provides learning opportunities for all ages to grow in the faith!

Sunday School and Confirmation

Sunday School at Zion serves children and their families from preschool aged 2, 3, and 4 to 5th grade. Sunday School follows our weekly worship service and takes place in the lower level of the church. Children and youth grab a snack in the Gathering Space after worship at 10:45. Children then go to their classes downstairs in the Nursery, where they engage in lessons, crafts, and activities revolving around the week's scripture. Parents can pick their children up at noon.

Confirmation classes meet on Sundays after worship at 10:45am in the Christian Education office. Youth in junior high and high school are invited to attend in learning and activities together. Servant projects are planned throughout the year as well as Game Nights.

Intergenerational Sunday Class

People of all ages participate in a variety of activities aimed at strengthening their Christian faith, growing spiritually and sharing friendships. Gatherings to discuss topics of special interest, area worship services, special service projects, mission opportunities, concerts and recreational events are some of the group's happenings. Grab some pastries and coffee at fellowship hour after church, then come join the crew the the Youth Group Room. 

Bible Study

Adults have a variety of learning options to grow in their faith.  From weekly Bible studies, spiritual gifts classes, Lenten small group discussions  there are opportunities for everyone. If you're interested in joining a Bible Study, please contact the church office at

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