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Missions & Outreach

Food Pantry

Zion's Food Pantry is open the second Saturday of each month from 9:00-11:00AM with a drive-through system in the Zion Parking lot. There are no requirements for receiving food - all are welcome! We accept donations and volunteers as well. If you're interested in volunteering, please contact the church office. 


The Apartment

Zion’s Apartment is a home away from home that we have offered for nearly 30 years, first as temporary housing for families of transplant patients who are awaiting organs or who need to remain in Pittsburgh while recovering and then as housing for refugee and asylum-seeking families.


Currently, the Zion Apartment is leased out to a family as affordable housing. Zion is as blessed by the families who live in our apartment as they are by the physical, emotional and spiritual support they receive.

Community Events

Zion holds events throughout the year for members of the congregation and the surrounding communities. Events such as movie nights, ice cream socials, games on the front lawn, water fun nights during the summer, yearly VBS programs, hosting the Boys and Girl Club of Western PA summer programming, blessing services, and participants in Summer Fest and other Penn-Hills Parks programs.   

Support Groups


Zion offers the use of its facility to these
community and support groups. 

AlAnon – Mondays at 1 pm
Gamblers Anonymous – Wednesdays at 7 pm
Narcotics Anonymous – Fridays at 7:30 pm
Eastern Area Youth Chorale – Sundays at 6 pm
Pittsburgh Pastoral Institute 



Zion provides private, confidential space to
The Pittsburgh Pastoral Institute for
individual and family Christian counseling services. Call 412-661-1239 for
an appointment. 



Zion offers the use of its facility to a local Jazzercise group which meets on the following days/times:

Mondays: 6:30pm-7:30pm

Tuesdays: 10am-11am

Wednesdays: 6:30pm-7:30pm

Thursdays: 10am-11am

Saturdays: 10am-11am




Sunday Worship 9:30am (both in-person and on Facebook!)


Christian Education (during the school year) at 10:45am


(412) 242-2626


11609 Frankstown Rd,

Pittsburgh, PA 15235

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